Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011

Most conversations I have with my child go like this.....

Me: You know mommy needs to eat and keep the food down, 
I love you but I gotta eat and you cant be picky!!

Baby: Okay

Me: I am going to eat this apple its good for you.

Baby: NO!! *Swift kick to the gut*

Me: *Hello again apple* Okay mommy is going to eat some yogurt, some yummy grapes 
and some orange juice.

Baby: I love orange juice... but not today!!! *Right hook to the Gut*

Me: * Hello again breakfast* Okay really mommy is going to eat some Kiwi and its really good I think that you will like it....

Baby: Nam nam nam nam  *Rubs tummy*

Me: Alright now untill we get home for the beach I am going to eat goldfish and drink some water... we will be home in a minute....

Baby: NO NO NO!!! * Head-butt to the gut*

Me: *hello this mornings breakfast, oh hello goldfish* OKAY FINE mommy is going to eat some broccoli, cucumbers, a peanut granola bar and some ice cream... please be nice to mommy....

Baby: mmmm yum yum yum yum *Gentle nudge of love*

Me: Is only 6:30 in the morning and I am going to eat a banana and drink a glass of milk, go back to bed but then when I get up we shall eat okay...

Baby: num num num num... I don't know about this said banana, I want a warm bath...... 
*closes eyes and falls asleep cause mommy fell asleep*

This is how almost every day goes, I am bound to go insane one of these days.... this child really does not like fruit